About me

I began my career in accessibility with no prior knowledge, but day by day, I dove deeper, eager to learn and grow. Now, I proudly say that accessibility is my domain. I’m passionate and committed to being an Accessibility Evangelist for life because A11Y truly matters to me.

There are times when I REA11Y reflect on where we are as a society. We live in a world where equality is often spoken of on paper, but do we REA11Y understand the difference between equality and equity? They might sound similar, but in reality, they are not. We see job opportunities, but are these opportunities truly accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities? How well do organizations support individuals with special needs?

We often believe we live in a diverse and inclusive world, but the truth is, we’re not there yet. We showcase diversity, but it’s often superficial—we’re justifying, not REA11Y acting.

So, how do we bring about real change? Who is responsible? It’s not just the government—it’s YOU, ME, and all of us. Change starts with individuals, and together, we can make a difference. We can promise ourselves to take action.

As technology continues to evolve, I’m hopeful that we can make a real impact. By stepping up and embracing accessibility, we can truly make life REA11Y better for everyone.